1 step closer to the edge and i'm about to break
it's amazing how i can go to bed completely at peace with the world and then 5 minutes after settling in, i get a panic attack. quite easy to get a panic attack when you've got a thesis due in just under 1.5 months and you've yet to formulate the bloody sub-routine that will enable the optimiser script to spit out results that the CFD program can evaluate... ohh bugger me... doesn't help when you also realise that you've got an essay due next week, and another due in 2 weeks, as well as tutorials. which probably leaves me a grand total of about 4 weeks to write the script AND run the optimiser AND evaluate the results in CFD program, AND repeat the previous 3 steps a few times so that i can use the results and fudge them to provide more iterations. AFTER this is done, there will be the writing up... am i screwed???