
the muddled east 

these are 2 vignettes i picked up during my lecture today from this guest lecturer, hagai segal, who is a zionist, so i don't think he was being anti-semitic.

during the middle east peace conference of 1991, then israeli PM yitzhak shamir during a speech, went on ad nauseam about syria's sponsorship of terrorism. in response, on the following day, the syrian representative pulls out a "wanted" poster which had yitzhak shamir's mug on it. yitzhak shamir had been a part of a terroritst group that was responsible for some assassinations in the 1940s. for details, click here.

during black september when palestinians were fighting against jordan, syria sided the palestinians and sent a tank batallion into jordan. israel, without being asked by the jordanians,sent some planes into jordanian airspace to shoo away the syrians. according to some reports, the syrians turned tail without being fired upon, because they remembered the beating they'd taken when israel took over the golan heights. 1 must remember that what israel did was technically an act of war against jordan, by sending it's planes into jordanian airspace. another thing, jordan and israel were enemies...