aim for the moon, and even if you miss, you'll land among the stars???
i've seen or heard the above quote a few times before, but never really gave it much thought until today, when i was reading funkyafro's post which i arrived at via nicholas. my first thought when i read it was that the phrase must have been coined in a time when man was really quite ignorant of space. however, from the googling i've done, i've learnt that it can be attributed to les brown who is very much still alive (he was also probably alive when apollo 11 landed on the moon). as such he's got no excuse for making such a logically fallacious statement. if a person didn't know better, they'd think that the stars are closer to earth than the moon.
p.s. don't know why i'm being anal today...
p.s. don't know why i'm being anal today...